Monday, March 25, 2013


We came back from Kidszania with V's friends and I decided to get them a gift for being so awesome! After searching I decided on Lollibox... I took the 3 months subscription for Ern Ern, Brayden and Ryan. I reckon 3 continuous months of the program was way more more endearing than 1 big present.
(For those who have plans and needs to know the budget, I paid $230.70 for 3 child of 3 months subscription)

Here is handsome Ryan with a personalized note from V. 
This will ensure the kids gets to look forward for a present in the mail from Victoria. Its cool like that...

At the same time, I though why not ask for a box to review? Like why not? and why not ask for a giveaway? Yes so we are giving away Lollibox this round!! Love me please.... 

{Giveaway} {Review} Lollibox 

V had 2 boxes (Moons and Stars and Itsy Bitsy bugs) to review.. and she chose the Moon and Stars. Not that it was indicated, just a random pick. I was pleased with her choice because she has been asking me about who turns on the roads lights and that why the sun is day and moon is night. I tried youtub-ing the info but no matter how cartoon they try to make this topic, it is still too far fetched for a 4 year old. (or rather the mummy has no ability to explain this concept of solar system) ) o.0

We chose to do the moon one 1st .. it all happened so fast I forgot to take a photo! Guess you can tell how excited we were!! That is the one with the balloons, plastic bowl, batteries operated candle,  craft glue and paper. I had fun *note I ... it was a messy job for me, but V had fun painting the balloon with watered down glue and pasting it with paper. But here is it 24 hours later... THE MOON!

We continued with the telescope which was much easier as it just sticking shiny paper and stickers on it. This activity can be something the child to do by herself. The adult supervision is to help paste the shiny paper around the telescope. BUT one thing great came out of it and that is V learnt a new word 'T-E-L-E-S-C-O-P-E and the purpose of it! She however struggled with trying to use a telescope because she has to close one eye! A toughie for a 4 yo girl but she got it finally!

V's favourite past time.. sticking stickers. Finally a purpose for - to beautify a telescope!
We waited for a clear night and went out for moon and star gazing
It was great fun, total time taken was about 1.5 hours. But interestingly about this set is that there is an anticipation of waiting for the  Papier-mâché moon to dry and an excuse to go out at night for moon gazing.  Flo mummy is not much a craft person because I am not organised enough to keep stylish paper, beautiful strips of ribbons and left over clay to save my life. I rather throw them away and buy new ones. Which makes crafting real expensive !!  and so Lollibox works out well for ME!! 

Win a Lollibox

Lollibox is sponsoring a their latest box Sun Sand & Sea for 1 lucky reader. If you enjoyed reading this review and would like to win this Lollibox, do

1. Leave a comment telling us which theme box is Lollibox giving
2. Like and Share my Facebook- Flo Mummy and like Lollibox's
3. Leave your name and email for Lollibox to contact you when you win!

This giveaway runs from 25 March - 7 April

*I received a complimentary Moon and Stars Lollibox for the purpose of this review. All opinions expressed herein are strictly my own and this box has Victoria's nod of approval..

CONGRATULATIONS To MARIE for winning the Lollibox!!! Lollibox will be in touch with you soon!!!


Serene said...

Sun Sand & Sea
Serene Tee (

Mamamie said...

Sun, Sand & Sea

Unknown said...

Liked both!

Sun, sand and sea.

lyn lee (lilbluebottle (at) gmail (dot) com)

Serene said...

The answer is "Sun, Sand & Sea"

Serene Teo (

Serene said...

Sun, Sand & Sea

Name:Serene Loy

Pearl said...

Still confuse how the moon works....

Sun Sand & Sea
pearl tan (your ever ready reader :p)

Pearl said...

Sun,Sand & Sea
Pearl Tan (your ever ready reader)

Anonymous said...

Sun, Sand & Sea
Wendy Koh (

Anonymous said...

Sun, Sand & Sea

Sweetheart Rachael said...

Sun sand & sea
Cynthia Lau

Anonymous said...

sun sand & sea
ai ling