Monday, October 26, 2009

7 more days.... (Day 26)

Counting down..

Next week this time, we will be in Hong Kong....

DD T is busy busy flying and so Mummy Flo wants to fly too... coz mummy finds it boring here.... So we message girlfriends Ern and Ginette... They too wanna go holiday with me!!! Yipee

So mummies decided to go Hongkong to shop,eat,be merry... and of course bring us to see Mickey Mouse! Yahoo!

Mummy says we gotta start packing soon...says I have to many things, all the "click click clogs clogs"

So we started in Grand Ngs' 1st...

My chest of clothes..
Hmm... nope *throws* take this *throws* nope *throws*
Sigh.... so many to chose from
All else we bring all lar, mummy?!


kim said...

woohoo... HKG!!! shop & eat non-stop :) i liked it...

Anonymous said...

enjoy flo! and bb V too! take more pics!


Anonymous said...

6 more days to go... Yeah....

Nette got 2 lil teeth... Wat a time... She's crawling too... Faint....

shann said...

wahahha im packing on friday.. maybe meeting angie on friday. wanna go buy some stuff for the trip.

Pearl said...

wooooo envious....enjoy ya babe wif BB V!

Unknown said...

tks gals.. hope it will be a smooth journey!