Friday, October 16, 2009

Sean Lau Photography (Day 17)

I totally heart his style

As you can see why... though he is one of the most expensive baby photographers in the market, I just had to have him.

The overall experience was great... He gave us a block of 2 hours for the photo shoot, so there were extra time for BB [V] to fuss, drink milk, or even sleep... all these just to ensure a happy baby. The whole set up was great, no frills, homey, comfy... though I think he is moving his studio from his home to a proper business studio soon.

Like most of you know that BB [V] is not one that is very generous with her smiles, but we were glad that she hardly fussed throughout the whole time. Me n DD Trev had a difficult time getting her attention as you all know what busy body this girl this. Or if we got her attention, it didn't last very long. So we were the ones who were damn tired by the end of the shoot while she carried on being her; full of zest.

Oh yes, this shoot was done at about 6 month-ish, I had to have this one with her gummy smile. We were told to bring some clothes for the shoot and I hardly have many as you know BB [V] didn't graduate from her 3-6 months clothes till recently. So out came her few dresses that would fit her nicely, not those that she was swimming in or the onesies that she wore as an infant. Sean was a little shocked at the minimum selection I brought but my intention was that I wanted the photo shoot that was able to encapsulates his style best, not a fashion show. (I think he did awesome) Nor am I those mummies who will dress their child in costumes to define cuteness.

Which meant BB[V] was "naked" in almost all, but hey that the brilliance of baby photography; NUDE.


shann said...

babe, love those pics! i sent them an email some months ago and they didnt reply manz... guess I wil have to call.

Jasopheleb said...

I love her without those clothes too!!! Way to cute for words!

Unknown said...

shann: see if u can get them at promo time

ophe: so cute rite.. keke