Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sleep (Day 31)

I have learnt the hard way on how to put this active little girl to sleep. It REALLY took a toll on me as she couldn't sleep more than 1/2 hour each time. I understand that breastfeed babies tend to like to suck to sleep but I realized it actually doesn't make her sleep long enuf for me to do a poo! Like a pacifier, once it drops the baby cries... Though I think latching her is the most awesome way to put her to sleep especially when I am really tired.


I carry BB [V] upright since she was 2-3 months as she hates the cradle position which means I can't pat her to sleep. I insisted that DD T puts her to sleep everyday so that I can take a break and it is his bonding time with her. Yes, he has been doing this since she was 3 months old, I don't stay in the same room as she would want me instead.

So we read DR Sears and he recommend that this is the one of the best position for high need babies.

Fathering down. Place baby in the neck nestle position (nestle baby's head against the front of your neck with your chin against the top of baby's head. The vibration of the deeper male voice lulls baby to sleep) and rock your baby to sleep. If baby doesn't drift off to sleep while rocking, lie down with your baby, still in the neck nestle position, and let baby temporarily fall asleep draped over your chest. Once baby is asleep, ease the sleeping baby into his bed and sneak away.

So DD T tried and it worked! So now we practice this all across the board except me (sometimes when I'm lazy I latch ;P). Sing her a lullaby and place her head against our neck, if she is fidgeting, she is either too hot or still too awake. So must have aircon or fan blowing at her or just let her watch a little tv and she will auto place her head on out shoulders. Sometimes we let her hold on to Margo.....Coz when she falls asleep she drops Margo. So that is our cue to place her down. To sleep more than 2 hours each time in the day, MUST have aircon, and at night she sleeps best 23-24 degrees, onesize and a pair of pants.

Gone were the days of walking 30 rounds around my house, trying to put her to sleep. *phews*
So besides her waking up for her 2 am feed and 8 am... which I hope will stop once I start her on her dinner.. all is well.. just that there are some days she kicks, headbutt her way around the bed which is damn bloody irritating. Then she wakes up angry like we disturbed her *duh*

I think she is ready for her own bed soon...

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