Thursday, February 10, 2011

Progress in playgroup (Day 2)

Day 2- I went to the school with her and found out that it was water play(not informed) ... no clothes :( = lots of grumbling. So we started the day on a bad note, called home to get her swim clothes, by the time it came, she was real grouchy. Mrs Sim came in later at 930 and managed to take her away from me....

I got home and got photos of her progress through Whatsapp and I thank the principal much

Her sms: You 're welcome. It's our pleasure to be able to share children's progress with parents. Transition period for new parents/children is a very special moment.

Today wasn't very good as she was more naggy and grumbled lots, there was at one point when her brows turn red and the teachers knew she was on the verge of crying and brought out "Elly"- the security toy. V controlled her tears well and I received a text to ask me to come early; hoping that she can end her school well. Very thoughtful of Mrs Sim :)

Her sms: Hi, as Victoria is more emotional today as compared to yesterday, you may want to come slightly earlier, say aroud 1130 to shorten her day? She is doing fine right now in class, just that the frequency of her asking for mummy is higher than yesterday, hence would suggest to end her day before the patience runs out. 

water play

she asked for sandwich, had 4 small slices of butter sandwich

drinking water after having sandwiches

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