so today made our day coz the principal told my mil that .... there was a new classmate in school and was crying heaps. V went up to and comfort her, "don't cry, mummy will be here soon...." walked towards the teacher and asked for a tissue, brought it to her new classmate for her to wipe the tears. I was touched when I heard about it :) my girl, only 2 weeks in school and behaving like some veteran. I praised her heaps and told her wa u monitor huh, and she replied YES. wahahhaha. cuteness.
So... she is all grown up now. Eats on her own (at times, still refuses food), talks alot and has started the "what is this?" like freaking too many times! She asks what is this on everything....
V: What is this? (example, points outside)
M: Tree
V: What is this?
M: Tree
V: No, What is this?
M: Tree!
V: Tsk What is this?
M: hmmm... trunk?
V: Yes
M: >.<
V: What is this? (points at the same direction)
M: Leaf
V: Yes .. What is this?
M: Green leaf? >,<
V: What is this?
M: Branches >,<
V: yes
and she goes on and on and on..... was fun in the beginning, then she abuses it lots. But when you ask her what is this, she will never answer you. So this one sided game is not very fun. The worrying thing is that she did asked her 1st WHY? I'm not ready for the why's yet, I can remember my nieces going through this stage.. omg. Too taxing.... and I only had them for few hours.
She like to sing, her own made up songs. Has also started her pretend talk, having conversations with herself and I think her imaginary friend may appear soon. It is expected of them at this age.. so lets wait and see what is her friend's name.
Other then that, still major drama when around me, fusses heaps around me, pouts, scrunches her face when she wants my attention, the whining intensifies etc. I take the LONGEST time to put her to sleep. Dd T does it 15-30 mins, me 1h -130h. Like oh man... With daddy- she is the angel. Period.
photos another time...
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