Wednesday, March 16, 2011

JG update

tks ophe for reminding me....

So I totally forgot to update you about her other school, my bad.

I took V out of playclub next term because I don't quite like Playclub Bilingual, its so messy not funny. Took me week 6 to get the fact that its one week english and another chinese :( (as in the lead teacher). Parents in the weekend class is not very fun.. opps very unlike weekday class mummies who are very chatty and are really into the curriculum of the class. Parents of the weekend class have this "I'm here coz I have to coz the whole world is into enrichment and so must I." Don't mean to be rude here and I hope its just my class. I made a decision to remove her for a term and V will do Holiday program in June (Rino in East Coast) and Edu drama (opps can't remb teacher's name, but was highly recommended) in July. Although Edu Drama is for children 3 years and above but after all the discussions with teachers (previous and current) we felt that she is ready for it. So she will start when she is 2.5 yrs old...

I left my deposit there hahaha (privilege I think...), got Sabreena to arrange everything and call me when it's time to go back to school. It will be Edudrama (english) accompanied coz I want to know what is going on then may increase to chinese unaccompanied, depending on if V wants it. Then when she is older I will do Readers and Writers program which is as usual recommended. I like it here as its the teachers that will tell me what course and which teachers will suit V's style.. I will just follow, if the price is right....Don't believe in trying 10,001 schools, just stick to one and follow its path. It will groom the child naturally.

Princess and her 5th certificate....

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