One of those things I realized about Singapore society is that, there are really so many underground relationship going about. In the flying sector, sleeping around seems to be pretty normal amongst the singles (bored, lonely long flights etc) The married ones are 99% men with horny cocks and the temptations of the fresh loots (new gals) so I grew up in this environment...Pretty much just accepted this lifestyle and hear their bonging stories. One thing however, scandals hardly lasts long. Except some cases with ended up with demotion or a freak death.
But I find the ground job sector has a wilder scandalise stories! Man, it's not one night stands here on ground... It's prolonged relationships among married people with kids *rolling eyes . Like the use the excuse of long working hours to screw or best part is go on overseas sex trip on the pretext of business trip. Like seriously ??!!
When I ask why don't be together, they say married, got kids.. Then honestly y screw in the 1st place??!! Cockanaden ! Oh well, I think this low sex drive due to work issues are actually excuses, coz these ppl have a easy outlet... Usually the co workers. Honest the flying sector does it pretty mild, coz they hardly do much married people, even if they to they never stretch for years >.<
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