Tuesday, March 15, 2011


We just dropped V off at school, big hugs and many kisses....

Dd T and I are leaving to go Bandung and Jakarta for 4 days, he on a biz trip, me on a promise to his customers. U get the gist ... Decided against bringing her as we won't be able to get things done and water there isn't too nice for the little tummy. Grands are all excited to look after and they asked us for permission to bring her to watch "Disney On Ice".. Of course we said yes! Hahaha lucky girl... She got all excited when Pops told get that he is bringing her to watch Mickey Mouse and couldn't stop repeating it this morning.

V had decided that she doesn't want to use her words last few days and is back to baby talk which is not so fun... Tiring lots oh well, I know she will be "partying" with the Ngs, like they always do especially when I'm not around. Next stop K.L in April and I believe a few more business trips without her.

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