Wednesday, October 14, 2009

8 Months (Day14)

She is XX kg XX cm

Her balance is impeccable for a 8 month-er, she started this new way of sitting ... Japanese style... It was damn cute in the beginning, coz we didn't teach her and I was kinda proud that she is so ladylike. But after awhile she sits like this everywhere, can have the ability to sit like this for a long time without moving, then we panicked. Mainly because it caused bowlegged-ness right, just like the Japanese.. (the weight and pressure of the body causes the feet to be deformed) No matter how we always remind her, she always want to sit like that.

Now that she has started zoom zooming around the house, she absolutely hates to be stuck at one place. I don'y know much about other babies but she HATES to be buckle up, swing or car seat, which ever... She is okie to sit inside but the minute you buckle her, manz its war!! We have changed her infant seat to the bigger one but like always cannot buckle, don't know how to train her... can wear the strap just don't waste time trying to buckle it, she will scream.. damn weird this child.

Besides the buckling, she hates being cooped up in the playpen.. anything that requires her being restraint is a absolutely No NO... There was a trend in the forum of mummies wanting to buy the playard panels, but when I told DD T, he was very against it... telling me BB [V] s not a pet, which is true lar, if Bam Bam is not caged up why should our daughter be .

Like this she like....

After last month's post about her poo problem, I have started her back on BLW (baby led weaning) and happy bellies cereal. She is really a true blue Dr Sears baby, for all my questions to this unique child are answered by Dr Sears, she also love the food he endorses. She gobbles up the cereals in few mins as compared to the rest, or even porridge. Ang mo child likes angmo food, remember how I had DD T appetite (9 months of western food) when I was expecting her, it starting to show now.

Though I prefer to feed her cereal as it is the fastest, and porridge being the slowest. I insist on giving her porridge mainly as a teochew I love my porridge and want her to get used to the texture and in time to come, its the best way for me to introduce rice as a whole grain to her. Moving from watery to starchy to grainy to rice. I still like to vary her menu.

Noting that the day will come when she sits on the dining table with us, with her ang mo palate, I can't be making her fish and chips every time right! This I know will be DD T 's greatest joy!

If i steam my fruit like the peach, I will let her drink the nectar too.

Opps! BB [V] eating pacificer???
No lar.. I freeze it... becomes her ice cream/teething play toy
After buying so many teething rings, sophie giraffe, this is the BEST. NUK teething rings... small to go in her mouth and she can hold with both hands... Rawks!!

Now that she is behaving like a newborn, sticking to me most of the time, refusing to play alone... I have resorted to carrying her everywhere.

Only like this I can get my work done... funnily she loves it!


Pinkie Pirate said...

great photos!

I showed Ryan your vids of Vic bopping to the beat - he couldn't take his eyes off her!

Unknown said...

tks babe..

cool, she got boy fans! i get her to dance in front him next time... lol