Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fat (Day 13)

M in my ILs...

So I opened my so god-forsaken part of the cupboard in DD T cupboard to see if I get any clothes to wear. Then I saw IT. My old blue uniform that I left behind as a spare when ever I drop by DD T's house to stay over. (the good old courting days = 6 -7 yrs ago?)

So the itchy backside of mine decided that I should try since I keep ALL my other uniforms in my cargo bag.

Manz, FAIL! The skirt no probs but the top cannot zip, like maybe 3 inches... I have always tailored my uniform 1 inch tighter so that there is that define shape and also a good way of preventing me from eating too much. So my uniform has always been tight fitting but now its totally cannot zip.. Its so demoralizing, you know.... need to diet, diet, diet

Or should I dig up the green ones? since it was just last year.... maybe looser you know.... then I won't feel so bad. *signs* I know the boobs part is inevitable since I'm nursing her, but its the bloody waist! like where is my waist??

Then my girlfriend calls me and told me she bought me Hirota cream puffs... freshly arrived this morning from Tokyo... 4 boxes...


shann said...

babe... I steer clear of my uniforms manz... hahha will try to fit them in a few months time. cream puffs... japan! yumz... 3njoyz..

A-n-g-e said...

Hey, lemme sacrifice my waistline and help you with those cream puffs. Hahaha

Unknown said...

shann: tell me if it fits.. but guess not much of a prob since u r 1 kg away rite?

ange: haha gd one..

Bellie said...

i've not seen my waistline for the past 9 mths!!!

did i hear cream puffs? aim here plse.