Sunday, October 25, 2009

My 1st Baby Dress (Day 25)

Ryan's mummy posted a blog.. so I kpo

Manz, I was hooked... not the entries but the dresses this mummy made for her beautiful daughters. I was like I want to do this too! But the problem was that the last time I actually made a dress was in Home Economics during Sec 1 or 2. How was I supposed to sew up a dress with my pathetic sewing skills? So I procrastinated...

Then came the D day, mainly because I can't find nice, cheap dresses in Singapore and the online purchases take donkey years to arrive, by the time I lose all interest. *sigh* So came that day, moved my ass to Spotlight and got all the things I wanted, came back to my parents place and "proposed" my idea to Grandma Clara. (I needed her help, her sewing machine, her expertise)

So we spent one day fixing the draw outs, cutting the cloth... through trial and error, we managed to do our 1st Baby Dress.... It may look like a easy design but was actually quite difficult to do as we were quite rusty. The dress was very tiny and needed intricate sewing skills which I lacked, so Grandma Clara had to sew the difficult parts for me, which was tough for her too... But we totally heart the dress when we completed it!

Grandma Clara suggested a 3 buttons back instead of a zip.. so that BB [V] can crawl easier without her legs getting caught in her dress...

I totally love this idea of making her clothes, so my little princess gets even more unique than she already is!

Next ... matching panties... woohoo! it gets addictive you know...


Pinkie Pirate said...

FLO!! So adorable!! I hope this is the first of MANY!!

Unknown said...

lol.. u are damn fast.. i just posted!!! yeah, many more... got any more links, let me take a look k... keke

Pinkie Pirate said...

oh yes, I have many more links! I love this sort of stuff, will pass on the good ones to you. Keep up the good work babe!

Bellie said...

WOW! I thot u bought it manz. u r really good. she looks nice in it. very sexy esp the 3 buttons thingy showing off her diaper. heehee. more, more!!

Jasopheleb said...

well done mummy flo and grandma! i wanted to do it too but lack the expertise too boo hoo!!! wanna see more... next time can start up ur own baby v dresses! yeah!

Sue Lin said...

Super nice! Wish i have a girl to dress up!

alicia said...

good job done, Flo!

Unknown said...

pinkie: great.. update me

bel: hehe she got the sexy back...

ophe: yeah, i got a few boy shorts ideas with i think is awesome.. damn funky

Unknown said...

sue: yeah girls are great fun!

alicia: tks babe

kim said...

flo, damn nice le... gd job! i'm not gd in these manz... booo