Monday, April 1, 2013

Dr Sears Vs Gina Ford (Breast feeding)

Today I will share about Breastfeeding

I wanted to succeed in this breast feeding thing, I armed myself with loads of theories but it was a rough road. It didn't help that the people around me were advocates of the FORMULA. 

Victoria: She was the only baby I know that hates milk. - So I thought. Feeding V was always a chore. I started off wanting to bottle feed since I was not sure if this breastfeeding could work. She was great in the 1st few months then the drama started and she sucked at drinking.. We started reading and it could be the nipple confusion,  teat (bigger hole) then it was too hard, we had them changed to a different brand etc. I went though NUK, AVENT, MEDELA, PIGEON, good old traditional TOLLYJOY. I had a array of bottles and teats, yet she was not happy with them. We were on Formula in the 1st few month as new parents, we struggle with trying to understand the child and most milk that was made, was dumped eventually. 

It was a struggle trying to find time to pump the milk. I woke up every 3 hours at night to pump, hardly slept and had to look after myself in the day.She was NOT a child that is happy being alone. V needed cuddles, kisses, me singing, me talking, me within 15 cm from her. I was not able to do most of it with funnels stuck to the boobies. I relented in having to latch her. Now that was another set of theories all together. I read up coz if it was 'Meals on Demand', it will pretty much her stuck to me. 

But circumstances was such that I should because it will help me emotionally- it was tough finding to breathe with Victoria. Bathing, eating, simple tasks like going to do a pee will get a scream from her. So I decided to continue BF as it will help V in her growth and immunity, Me in my balance of wanting to be a great mum since I was not working and it should be in favour for us.

I stopped pumping and started to latch. V was amazed by the fact she didn't see the need to press the 'call bell' and there was service almost immediately EVERY TIME. I found some peace finally as I wasn't running amok in my own house trying to find time to pump! It all worked out well!

Then it came the part that she wants my boob ALWAYS. Smelling me was The Most important thing for V. Trev had a hard time trying to fulfil his role. In fact, everyone had a hard time trying to 'help' me look after her.

Many a time I wonder if that was a the way to go. But to see her grow so healthy and hardly falls sicks was our compliment. Attachment parenting is really not for every parents as this drains the brain cells QUICK. 

Kate: She is a natural drinker, like I mention in Sleeping post, she drank 150ml on the day we got discharged. K was on 90 ml in the 1st week! The fact that she was drinking so fast, my boobs could not match up!  Okie, I slept more then I should... skipped the night pumping *opps. But i had reason coz i had blood clots and if anyone had blood clots before will know... ITS F PAINFUL!!! milking was not a priority! Serious!

By the time I recovered and wanted to start on my 3 hourly pump, the motor of my pump was dying a slow death. It took 5 days for me to receive my new one! So I was 3 weeks late and trying to up my supply. K latches on only in the day (i zzz at night), I could not match up fast enough. But interestingly I didn't fret. To me, it will eventually match up. I didn't use the pump much except when I was out. She is exclusively latched on when I'm around. I didn't stock up like with V. Why u may ask? Its because I stay with my In Laws now with helpers. They DO NOT understand how engorged a mummy may get , how much work goes into pumping that bottle of milk. There was once I pumped and left it in the fridge... they actually threw it away thinking it was stale milk.

Frustrated, yes I do. But I worked around, If I do have pumped milk, it goes to another fridge upstairs and only Trev gets to feed her. Because I believe I will go into another drama about teaching them how to heat up the milk, the 3 days in the fridge ruling etc.

Currently Im trying to up K's milk to 180 ml so that she misses 1 feed from me.... at least I can run out for 5 -6 hours. I have to make use of such privileges since Kate swaps from Boobs to bottles like a pro!

Routine seems to work better for us with Kate as we have many hands who are willing to help us. Although I latch her like V, she doesn't see the need to smell me or have to stick by me hourly. She is actually happy going around and being pat to sleep in different arms. But if u realise, I did try to use her method and it did lead to supply issues and am trying to tweak it and make it work... For me that is, I have read on success stories on CLB method with EBF.

1 comment:

Mezzo & Kene said...

yes! i think breastfeeding is an art!

One can succeed for #1 baby for doesnt mean #2 baby is the same! Same for if you didnt succeed for #1 doesnt mean #2 you cant bf too!

I think it's because every babies have their own character and preference on how they want to have their food. :)

Jia you and perserve on! :)