Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happeee Day... we r back

Wow!! It was great fun!

I set the alarm at 730 but snoozed till 830... keke, chop chop got all ready by 9pm and sat there waiting for the princess to stir...  but she didn't and so switched off the aircon, allowed some sunlight to fall on her face and hum "good morning" song... after some stretching, she sat on the bed smiling. So we knew its going to be a great day!!!

We reached there at about 10am, fantastic weather... never been to Hort Park and so we were introduced to it in a high note which gave us good vibes. The party was held downstairs in the function room and it was facing a nice lawn. We registered ourselves, signed a form something about photography and copyright, V had her temperature taken and we had our stickers to be identified as guests. Walked into the room and started to warm up, there were so many things going on... walked out and saw a buffet set up (which was great, food!) there was a massive looking bouncing castle. Decided to do what a singaporean would do and that was eat.. got ourselves a nice table away from the blasting speakers, near the buffet spread hehe. Fed V while she looked around in amusement... there was 2 guys sculpting balloons, few guys in their big costume a bear, a bugs bunny, a incredible hulk, some some dude in a flash outfit and some others which I cannot remember. She cried when she went up to hug the yellow bear.. and never was able to friend it again.

I went around to kaypo at what was to offer.. 1) ice cream , 2) cupcakes/brownies (sprinkles for the kids), 3) cookie decorating (icing provided, and they will help heat them with a oven), 4) cakes (self decorating), 5) face-painting, 6) caricature, 7) table for handcrafting, 8) photo developing booth, 9) dj console, 10) free balloon.. hmm think I got it all down. sounds interesting right???

Was great fun you know.. I went around to get namecards of the vendors, those I think would be useful in future and distributed mine too. Just for my Mummies Network Tea Party and the charity event we are planning in January (remember the one I mentioned about the birthday party but to charity instead) By that time , Ern and Brayden arrived... so the 3 mummies were getting excited about what we can do for ours!!

It started to drizzle a little and so we hung around at the table, taking turns to occupy the children. When the sun started to clear, we brought them out to run about on that beautiful lawn. There was some performance on the stage around 11am, dancing and juggling stuffs. We left at about 12 I believe, not sure, for lunch.

The event was really well done!! Great job to Daphne for the thought, for it was realy very meaningful and who was willing to pass us her list of vendors for our charity event! But I really must add, the children from the Children's Cancer Foundation must have had a blast!!!!!!!! When nobody cared how they looked or treated them indifferently, it was just a fun day! Ern's mummy prepared a bag of flowers to distribute to the kids and I swear both of us couldn't find the 30 sick children! They all looked normal... swear!  except for one who I spotted didn't have hair, told her and Ern gave him a flower... I was taking the photos, and I was sure the mom was touched by her gesture, for her eyes were welling up. Great job Ern and Shann!

the bear that made her cry
like cry cry cry!
yummilious food, they had children's spread too.. ours was the spicy got kick type.. theirs bland and boring la
the many people with big hearts
cookies; for kiddos to squeeze icing on
cupcakes, brownies with sprinkles
Art & Craft table
face painting... Roar!!
techno area
ern giving out her flowers
it brought a smile to the child
balloon sculpting- ariel
we got ourselves a nice photo
and a WOW goodie bag!
Brayden decorated the cake!
she got an elephant from the arts and craft table
Daphne - the organizer ; fantastic job babe!!!
ironman and his dance moves
yes, she was enjoying
iron man pose!
our new souvenir.. a lil over exposed and it made us all like fat a little
and wee weet!!! V's goodie bag had hellavu lots of goodies!!

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