Monday, October 25, 2010

Lying In bed

I'm blogging while trying to put V to sleep...

I have a lot to write but V decides that she doesn't want to sleep, so be it... She is sitting next to me with her doodle set; doodling.. Draws some circles n tells me it's a cat.. Clears it , draws more circles n tells me it's a rabbit...keke

Then she decides to play some baby game, by draws alot on her doddle set, shows to me, asks "nice?" I answers "wow very nice" gives me a big laugh and shouts "BOO!!" I have been doing the same thing since 1 hour ago which us why I decide to blog while waiting for her to decide to wind down

I'm a proud mummy.. for she is darn smart.. she is working hard on her alphabets.. cuteness 

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