Monday, October 4, 2010

2nd bday

I have thoughts...

Was discussing with DD T that day about her 2nd birthday and that I have nothing in stored. For I can't deal with many many people, cut cake etc again.. just need a break. So he asked what I want to do... and I suggested that we donate a sum of money to an organization for her birthday, just a form of blessing from us to the people who needs our help.

Since it was nearing Chinese New year during her birthday, we can actually give foodstuffs and do some charity work for them. DD T says its up to me....

So I'm writing this post to ask if any parents are keen in offering their assistance in this kind deed? Maybe we can all do it together... a pay back to society for allowing us to have such wonderful life with our child.

And if there are charity organizers who needs help, do drop me a msg...


Kenny Leow said...

Have you thought of sponsoring a child?

Unknown said...

Hahaha I'm a believer of doing things.. n tat money don't usually solve the issue... we like to know where the money is going esp to the right channel, talk to trev n he will give u a ball of his thoughts!! Trev doesn't donate but he will do extraordinary things to help others... we give back differently i guess. :)

Pinkie Pirate said...

Hey Flo, we actually do quite a bit of charity work. You can count us in, let us know nearer the date!

Unknown said...

great!! a few mummies FB me already... will let u koe wats up then ...

Anonymous said...

hey flo, count me in too.
used to volunteer at old folks home before B came.