Monday, October 11, 2010

Dinner with the mummies

just came back from our dinner together. 

It was our monthly dinner that I would organized to catch up, eat, talk nonsense. Didn't do one last month as I was on holiday and got a bit lazy with the watching of my DVDs.  There was one day Serene ask me when was dinner for this month as she was yearning for the pizza that I blogged on. Asked around and managed to get few regulars to meet up (with cars) as the joint was a little way off the Mrt stations.

Sms-ed Ophe in the morning to check on situation since she was already 3cm dilated...

"Morning, signs of labour yet?'
"Morning dear!!! Just lost the mucous plug only hahah but no contractions yet! should be okie for dinner."

So we proceeded with dinner despite not getting and answers to my sms from the rest as they were busy at work. But Mummy Ophe needed a great meal with like minded friends like us for dinner!!! The dinner was filled with stories of labour, confinement, schools, choosing of new house, maids, our child's current developments etc... the usual stories and we never get sick of repeating.

But the dinner ended with a bang when Ophe felt uncomfortable and went to the washroom and announced that she think her water bag leak for the liquid was flowing constantly. It got us all so excited!!! Reminded us like 2 years ago when it happened and after much encouragements and hugs later, she was whisked off by Ange back home to get ready.

We got excited and took a picture before she left... One for the road!! Can't wait for Chace to be out....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Katherine said...

Hi, chance upon your blog some time back and had been following it since. Love your blog & your style of writing. Keep your post coming in. :)

Anonymous said...

How exciting :)

Unknown said...

Kat: Tks for ur visit! just visited ur and hell ya, the amount of food!!! yums... will link soon when I actually get down doing it :S

M: tell me about it!!!!

Katherine said...

Lol! Thanks... :) I linked yours to mine already... :)