Just one of those sundays of chilling out, had a tough week with DD T away on a business trip, me shuttling about for meetings, classes (both hers and mine), housework. Doesn't help that she has been waking up at the godforsaken timings to drink milk *yawns* so I have been tired and feeling fat (coz lack of sleep makes me bloated hahahhaha)
DD T was also tired from the flight and wanted to do something not taxing like going to the malls to fight with space. I decided that we should go Changi Beach Club for lunch... food wasn't fantastic but we did enjoy the peace and quiet of the restaurant. V got to run about and had a bowl of ice + jelly only ice kachang. After 2 hours of quiet time, I decided we should go nature trail walk around Changi.
I swear the creepy crawlies in Changi must be monster like, for the sounds they make *gross*. I'm not a fan of nature, DD T not so much too but he was bragging about his army days. Well at this point, V turned around and said "HOT", asked her if she wants to continue the walk, shook her head "NO, HOT". The fishermen nearby was laughing at her "PEDAS HUH?" hahha
V showing us her PEDAS look.... well I think my princess is not much a fan of nature too.. at least we tried.
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hahah i use to frequent that club so often....i kinda miss that place ya know...:)
V is really HOT lor...haha
oh dear tat place is kinda old ya... very hantu feeling also hyak hyaks
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